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Table of Content
Introduction (1 PAGE/ DOUBLE SPACED)
Descriptive Statistics :
1) For column C1, C5, and C6, make a bar graph of each column with a clear title. For column
C2, C3, C4, and C10, make a pie chart of each column with a clear title.
2) Give DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS of each column C7, C8, C9, C11, C12, C13, and briefly
summarize each column using one sentence.
3) Graph column C7, C8, C9, C11, C12, C13 with a histogram by any following variables (C1-C6,
or C10), use different number of classes for each histogram and determine the skewness of
these graphs.
4) Summarize column C2 of your data using tally, and use the information to simulate the
college of next 5000 AUS students.
5) Give the probability model for two binomial random variables with n=30, p=0.9 and n=30,
p=0.3. Demonstrate both variables using a probability distribution plot.
6) Demonstrate two normal random variables using a probability distribution plot.
Inferential Statistics
1) CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR column C7, C8, C9, C11, C12, C13. (each confidence interval
needs to use different confidence level, and state the confidence statement after each
2) HYPOTHESIS TESTING: Write your own hypothesis testing questions clearly and provide
decisions and conclusions for each questions. COLUMNS Of YOUR CHOICE (Including Two of
each of the following: 1-Sample t, 1-Sample z (decide the value of sigma on your own), 2-
Sample t, and 1 Proportion tests, and choose your own significance level)