- The topic is required to show a creative idea, technique, method, or a critical organization issue.
- Assignment # 3 is a group assignment. 2. Create a group of 3 students only
- Select a topic of your choice. The topic is required to show a creative idea, technique, method, or a critical organization issue.
- Research: The group will conduct primary and secondary research to gather data and information
- Format: The group will create a presentation, submit it on Moodle and present to the class for 8-10 mins. All group members will present
- Presentation:
√ 10-12 slides
√ First slide: Topic title, Group names/ID, Course name/section, Professor’s name,
√ Second slide: Agenda
√ Last slide: References in APA format
√ Source all external sources on the slides (tables, graphs, images, content) √ Use less text, use bullet points (5-6/ slide), short sentences.
√ Choose a professional PPT Template
The template background should be light in color, easy too read slides, do not clutter the slides. - There is no make up presentation.
- The grade is a group grade. Do a good job as a team.
- Read the rubric on Moodle for the presentation