HOST 1172: Introduction to Wine & Beverages
Assignment #1
Two Person Team
Due Dates

Objective: To create a mocktail for a themed special event where you are celebrating
being hired for your dream job in the hospitality industry.
In the Hospitality industry you will be exposed to many different aspects of
the business. You are tasked with creating a theme, presenting an
appropriate venue (place) and then creating a mocktail that suits the
theme, venue, and target market.
This assignment addresses your ability to create and effectively sell your
mocktail and ensure that it is costed properly.
This assignment is to be completed in groups 2 people. You need to
choose a partner and email me at [email protected] with both
student’s full names, email addresses and student numbers before the
start of next class. If you are unable to find a partner, I will team you up
with another class member.

  1. Theme: create a onetime party in the future; you are celebrating getting your
    dream job in the hospitality field. i.e., GM of a luxury hotel, director of events
    and sales for and adventure tourism company, head Sommelier for an
    acclaimed restaurant group.
  2. Venue: choose a venue, place or space where the party is going to be held.
    How might it be decorated, is it properly suited for your theme?
  3. Target Market: have a strong sense of who is attending the party such as
    age, income, psychographics, etc.
  4. Mocktail: create a non-alcoholic cocktail that is suited to the above.
  5. Recipe Card: Create a recipe card for the beverage and provide a list of
    ingredients and quantities (in both imperial (i.e., ounces) and metric (i.e.,
    millilitres) for one individual portion. Remember to include any garnishes and
    the intended glassware.
  6. Include: A detailed description of the steps needed to create the beverage.
    This will be at the bottom of your recipe card.
  7. Costing Sheet: Send a copy of an excel spreadsheet that outlines the cost of
    goods and your intended menu price. Ensure it is easy to understand, that
    the formulas are functional, and it looks pleasing to the eye.
  8. Submission:
    a) You need to include all the above criteria in a presentation form. That
    could be in the form of a video or voiced-over PowerPoint slide deck (or if
    you have another creative idea…please get approval first). Ensure that all
    7 criteria above are addressed in your presentation. You have 4 minutes
    MAXIMUM. Every 30 seconds over that time frame you lose 2 points all
    your overall grade.
    b) Separate document: Your recipe card and the steps on how to make the
    c) Separate document: an Excel spreadsheet includes the cost to make the
    cocktail recipe and the appropriate mark up (menu price) is applied.
    1-5 Rating Scale or 1 – 10
    0 to 1 or 0 to 3 – Does not meet requirement; information missing or incorrect
    2 or 4 to 6 – Meets some requirements but revision necessary
    3 to 4 or 7 – 9 Meets requirement with little to no revision necessary
    5 or 10– Exceeds requirement
  9. Is the theme, venue and target market clearly explained and accurately portrayed
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  10. The beverage is unique and has been described in a meaningful and articulate
    manner. The garnish and visual look of the mocktail are accurate.
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  11. The recipe card with the ingredients and instructions on how to make the drink is
    easy to follow.
    0 1 2 3 4 5
  12. The costing excel sheet is accurate, well organized and the appropriate menu
    price is applied.
    0 1 2 3 4 5
  13. The Video or PowerPoint was professionally produced and presented. It was
    visually appealing, easy to follow and organized. It was free from any errors.
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  14. The group or individual was outgoing, engaging, and charismatic and captured
    the audience’s attention.
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    / 50
    Recipe Card and Costing Sheet
    Caffeine Cow
    SERVE IN: 10 oz (296 ml) Champagne Coupe
    SERVES: 1
    o ½ fl oz (12 ml) melted dark chocolate
    o ½ fl oz (12ml) chocolate syrup
    o ¼ ounce of dark chocolate
    o 2 fl oz (50 ml) espresso coffee
    o 6 fl oz (150 ml) Cream
    o 8 ice cubes
    o Paint the melted chocolate on the interior of the glass
    o Hold in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
    o In a Boston Shaker, pour the chocolate syrup, espresso, and
    cream over the ice cubes
    o Shake until the base of the shaker is cold and the liquid is froth
    o Strain into glass
    o Serve immediately
    o Kahlùa is a coffee-flavored liqueur that will create an alcoholic
    beverage alternative.
    o 8 cubes constitute one ounce or 60 ml of volume.
    Sample Glassware
    Pina Colada Glass Capacity/Size: 13 oz (385 ml)
    Margarita Glass Capacity/Size: 12oz (355 ml)
    Martini Glass Capacity/Size: 4 oz (118.5 ml)