Choose a CSR report from a company of your choice (research one online)

Read and analyze the CSR report of the company you found and answer the following questions:

  1. How the company defines CSR and what areas it focuses on (e.g., environmental sustainability, community engagement, employee well-being) be specific and provide examples
  • How the company measures its CSR efforts (e.g., through metrics such as carbon emissions, volunteer hours, or supplier diversity) be specific and provide examples
  • How the company reports its CSR performance (e.g., through graphs, charts, narratives, or case studies) be specific and provide examples
  • How the company communicates its CSR goals and progress (e.g., through social media, events, or partnerships) please describe their platform(s)
  • Create your own CSR report for a hypothetical company, using the knowledge and skills you gained during this exercise. Be specific and provide examples by supporting your argument(s)
Content (Lay out of information) 35%  Content is accurate and all required information is presented in a logical order.  Content is accurate but some required information is missing and/or not presented in a logical order, but is still generally easy to follow.Content is accurate but some required information is missing and/or not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.Content is either questionable or incomplete.  Information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.Content is inaccurate. Information is incomplete, inaccurate, or not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.
Analysis (based on provided links only) 45%  Exceptional analysis with supporting arguments written in the student’s own words/opinion, or correctly credited if quoted.Analysis is mostly neat and clean.  Information is organized in a logical manner and shows some degree of student’s own words/opinion.Satisfactory analysis developed with some supporting details written mainly in the student’s own words, or correctly credited if quoted.Analysis is unorganized. Lacking some of the information or arguments. Very broad informationAnalysis has no flow. Insufficient information and lacking some of the information.
Examples for Why Yes/Why Not? 15%Exceptional examples solely related to the topic or argument with supporting details and logical reasoningExamples are presented neatly and clearly, it shows some degree of logical reasoningSatisfactory examples with some analysis and logical reasoningExamples are short, presented broadly with little supporting argumentsNo examples provided
Spelling and Grammar (citation) 5% No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in the text. Text is in the student’s  own words.A few (5-6) errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation.  Most text is in student’s own words.No more than 7 spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Several instances where the text is not in student’s own words.No more than 8 spelling, grammar or  punctuation errors.. Most of text is not in authors’ own words and/or no text included.More than 10 spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Text is copied or not included.