1. find a U.S. publicly-traded company which has a mininum 5 years annual reports,

2. from SEC.GOV, you will find the most recent 2 years quarterly income statements

3. construct a income statement analysis, you may use the template file for your worksheet.

4. Your team will analyze and formulate a budget plan for the future 4 quarters using all Excel skills we learned from the class.

5. The submission will be an Excel sheet submitted by group ( one person submits for the team).

6. The submission contents should include minimum 3 worksheets 1. analysis of the company, 2. budget assumption, and 3. budget plan for the next year with cashflow analysis. You may refer to the in-class exercies/submissions for your sample templates.

7. The final report should include a textbox with a summary of what is inlcuded in the report, and what are the forcasted budget.

8. Citations/references are necessary for your data retrival and summary.

9. Your group will present your case to the class for verbal presentation grade (25 points).

10. The total grade for this submission is 100 points which includes 5 points of Peer Evaluation.

Your team will present your project in 10 minutes.

The purpose is for your team to articulate your budget plan to a group of board members and investors.

Your presentation will be challenged by the audience and voted for approval by the audience.

Each vote will be worth 2 points for the voters, and presenters will earn the total 25 points of presentation (10 points for each presenter’s style and fluecy, 2 points for voting points, and 13 points for contents and citations/references .

Be sure to summarize the critical points of your plan and what were the highlights of your planning process and difficulties.

Be sure to summarize the critical points of your plan and what were the highlights of your planning process and difficulties.