Data management is one of the most critical activities in organisations, which are constantly reconsidering their practices with the aim of improving data flow and hence better performance. In this assignment, you are asked to investigate the data management practices and use in an organisation of your choice and critically evaluate their effectiveness. This group assignment requires ALL the members to equally contribute in writing one 3000- word report (excluding references and appendixes) and also produce a SQL-based build. Report (60%) The main tasks for the report are as follows: 1. Critically discuss the current data management research by reviewing appropriate, current academic literature. In your discussion, consider various data management practices such as data exchange, data integration, data interoperability, data archiving and data sharing etc. 2. Choose an organisation in any sector. It is preferable to find an existing organisation to which you have direct access. Small or medium-sized organisations are recommended; however, a sub-section or department of a big organisation may be considered. 3. Study the existing data flows in the organisation and generate a DFD and ERD of the organisation. 4. Critically evaluate how data is managed in the selected organisation. The evaluation should focus on different aspect of data management and the technologies that support them. Theories underpinning this evaluation must be based on current literature discussed in part 1. 5. Critically analyse the impact of the practices discussed in part 4 on the performance of the chosen organisation. In this part, the evaluation should focus on both what works and what does not. Possible areas of evaluation may cover decision-making processes, the flexibility of the organisation in spotting and exploiting opportunities, as well as financial impacts. Support your analysis with relevant literature if possible. 6. Identify potential areas for improvement and the potential gains from changing these. This may include redesign of DFDs and ERDs. Create a list of relevant strategic reports or data outputs generated by the organisation. SQL Build (40%) Produce a SQL-based prototype in which you implement the ERD and illustrate the improvements and relevant reports suggested in part 6. The SQL build should feature all tables in the ERD and adequate queries (between 5-8 queries) to reflect periodic reports or other data outputs performed in the organisation. These queries must not be trivial; they must be relevant. Your prototype must include SQL scripts to create the database and tables, populate tables and run queries.

Format: · A maximum of 3000 words plus appendices · Font size 11 Calibri or equivalent · This is a business report. Thus, the requirement is for brevity in the main body, with additional detail in the appendices · The report should have a title page containing your name, student number and word count (excluding title page, headers and footers, references and appendices). You should also clearly number your pages. · All areas of the report are equally weighted · Submit through the link on Moodle no later than 2