Ask: How can I make sense of my Observational Detail or Insight [Step 1] using the language from SOCI 1120?

Essay Questions / Guidelines

  • one inch margins / Times New Roman / 12 pt. font / double space
  • page numbers bottom center
  • no title page required / put ID # on top of first page only (no name)
  • five page maximum limit [do not go over five pages]
  • Do not ask what the minimum is! This is a cumulative exam. You have five pages maximum to make the best case for yourself possible!

  • plagiarism = 0 = F [copied work / ghostwritten or purchased work / uncited work]

Do not use any sources from outside of this course!




1: An Observational Detail OR Insight: What is it?

Observational Detail [Something: observed / said / implied in VIDEO]

Insight [An idea of yours about THOUGHT QUESTION]

2: Establish Foundation / Clarify Sociological Term

Ask: How can I make sense of my Observational Detail or Insight [Step 1] using the language from SOCI 1120?

A.  Identifya concept or theory or some research
B.  Identify key thinker (if applicable) and theory (if linked to concept)
C.  Define / Explain concept / theory / research briefly

3: Creative Analysis / Application

Use the language and meanings [Step  2]  to sociologically explain your Observational Detail or Insight [Step 1]

4: Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat

Build your essay through many paragraphs, or  ‘Rounds of Analysis’ — repeating Steps 1 through 3.
You have a maximum of five pages to work with. This is an opportunity to make the very best case for yourself possible. Respond to your essay question very thoroughly. Remember — this is your chance to demonstrate your comprehensivecumulative, understanding of the course. Read your chosen question very carefully!
Of course, an introduction and conclusion are necessary. Of course, complete sentences within paragraphs are necessary.



  • Do you have an introduction, body, and conclusion?
  • Do you identify which essay question you have chosen to write on in your introduction?
  • Are you writing in complete sentences and paragraphs (no bullet points or point form)?
  • Are there spelling and grammar mistakes?
  • Do your sentences logically flow, from one to another?
  • Do your paragraphs logically flow, from one to another, with transitions?
  • Do you have run-on paragraphs with a split focus?
  • Do you avoid plagiarism by using the required, and provided, citation format?  opens in new window
  • Did you fix any and all signs of ‘verbatim copying’ plagiarism detected in the Turnitin similarity report opens in new window ?
  • Are you using the required materials from this course only (no outside sources allowed)?
  • Do you have one-inch margins?
  • Do you use 12 pt Times New Roman font?
  • Is your essay double-spaced?
  • All basic structural elements of essay construction are relevant.


Who am I ?  What is my sociological autobiography ?

The task is to develop a distinctly sociological explanation that is comprehensive. To develop your answer, draw on various theoretical perspectives, concepts, and research covered in lectures and readings from throughout the term. Focus your efforts on ideas that pertain to sexualitygenderrace (or) ethnicityfamilyeducation, and health & medicine.

Make sure to identify theoretical perspectives that you draw from, define key concepts that you use, and, where applicable, identify the names of key thinkers in conjunction with their ideas. Use examples to illustrate your points.

NOTE: No materials from outside of this course allowed! 

COVID-19 — the ‘coronavirus’ global pandemic. Is it over yetSome say yes, some say no. Regardless, it has certainly been a rough few years, in so many ways, hasn’t it Here is the question, below:

Think back to the start of COVID-19, and to the assorted lockdowns and restrictions over the past few years. Sociologically, how has COVID impacted you?

The task is to develop a distinctly sociological explanation that is comprehensive. To develop your answer, draw on various theoretical perspectives, concepts, and research covered in lectures and readings from throughout the term. Focus your efforts on ideas that pertain to sexualitygenderrace (or) ethnicityfamilyeducation, and health and medicine.

Make sure to identify theoretical perspectives that you draw from, define key concepts that you use, and, where applicable, identify the names of key thinkers in conjunction with their ideas. Use examples to illustrate your points.

NOTE: No materials from outside of this course allowed!  


To what extent, and in what ways, can you (or can you not) relate to the ideas and insights shared in the video Miss Representation ? opens in new window

The task is to develop a distinctly sociological explanation that is comprehensive. To develop your answer, draw on various theoretical perspectives, concepts, and research covered in lectures and readings from throughout the term. Focus your efforts on ideas that pertain to gendersexualityrace (or) ethnicityfamily, education, and health and medicine.

Make sure to identify theoretical perspectives that you draw from, define key concepts that you use, and, where applicable, identify the names of key thinkers in conjunction with their ideas. Use examples from the video to illustrate your points.

NOTE: No materials from outside of this course allowed!


To what extent, and in what ways, can you (or can you not) relate to the ideas and insights shared in the video Tough Guise opens in new window ?

The task is to develop a distinctly sociological explanation that is comprehensive. To develop your answer, draw on various theoretical perspectives, concepts, and research covered in lectures and readings from throughout the term. Focus your efforts on ideas that pertain to gendersexualityrace (or) ethnicityfamily, and education.

Make sure to identify theoretical perspectives that you draw from, define key concepts that you use, and, where applicable, identify the names of key thinkers in conjunction with their ideas. Use examples from the video to illustrate your points.

NOTE: No materials from outside of this course allowed!