Citizen/participatory journalism is more prevalent nowadays. Who does it serve and how? What is your opinion of this type of journalism? Examine how citizen journalism is used to entrench or challenge power relations and how this is used to affect meaningful social change.

Length: five to six pages, 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri, double spaced. 1,250-1,500 words not including references section. One page is roughly 250 words.
Style: APA-citations in the term paper AND references section at the end. and citation/apa_style/apa formatting and style_guide/g eneral format.html
You must select one of the approved topics below. You must also use material from the textbook in your term paper.
In addition to content in the textbook, sources are available from the UCW library, Google Scholar, and the Vancouver Public Library. Wikipedia is not a valid source for academic research. It can provide a very useful place to start because it often lists good sources for further research, but it should not be used as a source itself. Don’t hesitate to ask UCW librarians for help finding material.
Approved term paper topics. Pick one. You must use material from our textbook or you will lose marks – shown in your citations and references.
1) Citizen/participatory journalism is more prevalent nowadays. Who does it serve and how? What is your opinion of this type of journalism? Examine how citizen journalism is used to entrench or challenge power relations and how this is used to affect meaningful social change. Use the discussion section of your term paper to illustrate why you came to this conclusion. CH4; CH10 pp. 340
2) Shoshana Zuboff’s book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” extends some of the ideas related to the Surveillance Society (Chapter 11.) How do the commercial media legitimize social surveillance? What is Big Brother and why is Orwell’s vision of a dystopian future relevant within the context of surveillance and individual privacy? Do you agree or disagree we are living in an age of surveillance capitalism? Illustrate why you agree or disagree and give examples. CH11