1. What are the three of the most important demographic changes occurring in Canada? Explain what is involved in these trends, and how they will affect employers and workers in the next decade.
  • An obvious problem is that urban sprawl leads to a car-dependent culture — and driving is stressful for people and for nature. More traffic means more carbon emissions, more smog. But sprawl isn’t inevitable. It is often the result of poor planning and short-sightedness. Discuss how Canada became a suburban nation and what we can do to manage the negative effects of urban sprawl.
  • What are toponyms? How can toponyms take the form of decolonizing the map? Review the insertion of Indigenous place names on the Canadian landscape. Discuss the implications with as many examples as you can find.
  • “Emily Carr was one of the pre-eminent Canadian painters of the first half of the 20th century, and perhaps the most original. She was also one of the only major female artists of that period in either North America or Europe. Her bold, almost hallucinatory works depict nature as a furious vortex of organic growth. They have also been criticized as appropriations of Indigenous culture” (Canadian Encyclopedia). Based on this brief entry in the encyclopedia, create an essay on Emily Carr’s legacy in depicting First Nations culture and B.C. geography.
  • Fishing technology was critical to the destruction of the cod stocks in Newfoundland. What is the state of the Atlantic fishing industry today? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  • Explain how globalization has affected the many small communities throughout Canada. You will need to define globalization and use a few specific examples.
  • Canada’s Indigenous population is struggling. This struggle lies along the Indigenous-non-Indigenous fault line. The large number of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls is the dark side of this reality. What, in your opinion, are the root causes? Offer solutions to these root causes.
  • The ascendancy of neoliberalism has occurred through a series of interconnected transformations that began with the economic turmoil of the 1970s, the rise of New Right governments across the 1980s, and the deepening internationalization of the circuits of money and industrial capital. Explain how Canada has been impacted by neoliberalism. Use specific examples.
  • In various parts of Europe, multiculturalism has earned a bad name for itself. In most of those instances a key problem has been the host country’s efforts to assimilate immigrants. But in Canada, for the most part multiculturalism has worked. Why? What are examples of how it hasn’t worked? Create an argumentative essay based on the implementation of multiculturalism focusing mostly on Canada.

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