Mini assignments reflect course content and are due in the defined weeks (see course syllabus).Each mini-assignment requires a 700-word response – 5 pages including title and referencepages (meaning 3 pages of content about 700 words).

Mini-assignments 20% (10% Each)
Psychology 202 Social Psychology
Mini assignments reflect course content and are due in the defined weeks (see course syllabus).
Each mini-assignment requires a 700-word response – 5 pages including title and reference
pages (meaning 3 pages of content about 700 words).
Students will submit a draft for class to review in the discussion area on Weeks 3 and 7. For
instance, if your classes are on Friday and Sunday, your draft assignment is due at the end of
the day on Thursday (11:59). The final copy of the assignment is due a week later by the end of
the day on Thursday (11:59).
Each mini-assignment is worth 10 marks (10% of your total mark).
Grading Criteria of Mini Assignment #1

  • Drafting an assignment and what you learned from providing or Receiving feedback, 2
  • Content quality (article, summary, explanation, and personal reflection), 4
  • Structural organization (introduction, well-structured body, and conclusion), 1
  • APA formatting (Referencing, citation, etc.) 2
  • Similarity rate 1
    Grading Criteria of Mini Assignment #2
  • Drafting an assignment and what you learned from providing or Receiving feedback, 2
  • Content quality (a research topic, research questions, research explanation, and
    personal reflection), 4
  • Structural organization (introduction, well-structured body, and conclusion), 1
  • APA formatting (Referencing, citation, etc.) 2
  • Similarity rate 1
    The following outlines the requirements of each Mini-Assignment:
    Each Mini-Assignment will contain:
  • Theory and concepts from the readings, lecture or class discussion and course
  • A personal reflection on your learning and how you might apply it to your life (i.e. how
    the information relates to your background, history experience, and future actions);
  • Assignment 1 will require at least 2 peer-reviewed journal references and assignment 2
    will require at least 4 peer-reviewed journal references. Please cite these journals in
    each assignment along with our textbook in APA 7 format (see APA guide or Purdue Owl
    and_style_guide/general_format.html). Please note that you will lose marks if
    references are not APA).
    Mini Assignments must demonstrate attention to the quality of writing; clarity of writing;
    attention to spelling, grammar and sentence structure; organization; professional presentation;
    appropriate formatting; referencing; headings: typed; double-spaced; ease of reading etc.
    Mini Assignment #1: Article Summary and Critique
    Draft Due: Week Three; Final Due: One Week later (with reflections) by 11:59 pm
    For this assignment, you are to locate a peer-reviewed journal article on one of the following
    topics: attitudes, biases in attribution, conformity, obedience, attraction, aggression, altruism,
    and social categorization/stereotyping. You will write a 700-word (minimum) review where you
    summarize the article, describe the author(s)’s position, list the article’s strengths and
    limitations, and add your personal applied learnings from the article. Your article review must
    be supported by references from the textbook and include at least three additional journal
    articles (please remember to use in-text citations). Your assignment is marked according to the
    following criteria.
    Mini Assignment #1 Grading Criteria Out of Total of
    A draft assignment is submitted that reflects the final work handed
    in and incorporates feedback from fellow students.
    Please note: You will lose marks if you do not bring your draft to
    class by Week 3 and share your draft assignment with the
    discussion group.
    Reflective Comments: You have provided 3 reflective comments
    that illustrate what you have learned from 3 of your team
    members’ assignments and linked these comments to the course
    objectives and learning.
    The article used for this assignment is from a Journal and
    submitted in PDF form
    The summary clearly explains the article, is critically reflective, and
    incorporates the following:
  • A personal reflection on your learning and how you might
    apply it to your life (i.e., How the information relates to
    your background, history experience, and future actions);
  • Theory and concepts from the readings, lecture or class
    discussion, and course objective
    The Mini Assignment includes 3 references (1 textbook, 2 journal /.5
    Mini Assignment #2: Literature Review (700 words minimum)
    Draft Week Seven; Final Due: One Week later (with reflections) by 11:59 pm
    For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review related to a topic of your choice (i.e.,
    on the topic of conformity, social helping, or obedience). You will formulate a research topic,
    and research questions (i.e., why do science students conform in classroom discussions?) and
    form a research explanation in the form of a literature review (support research question using
    existing research). When introducing the topic, please provide a brief (1-2 sentence) personal
    reflection on why you chose this topic and how you might apply it to your life (i.e., how the
    information relates to your background, interests, history experience, and future actions). Your
    research explanation must be supported by references from the textbook and at least three
    additional journal articles (please remember to use in-text citations).
    Your literature review will be marked according to the following criteria.
    In-text citations are APA /.5
    Title page, Font, etc. /.5
    References are APA /.5
    The Mini Assignment demonstrates the quality of writing (there is a
    clear introduction, body, and conclusion)
    The copy rate is below 10, and appropriate formatting, and ease of
    Mini Assignment #2 Grading Criteria Out of Total of
    A draft assignment is submitted that reflects the final work handed
    in and incorporates feedback from fellow students.
    Please note: You will lose marks if you do not bring your draft to
    class by Week 7 and share your draft assignment with the
    discussion group.
    Reflective Comments: You have provided 3 reflective comments
    that illustrate what you have learned from 3 of your team
    members’ assignments and linked these comments to the course
    objectives and learning.
    The article used for this assignment is from a Journal and
    submitted in PDF form
    The literature review clearly explains the topic, is critically
    reflective, and incorporates the following:
  • When introducing the topic, a brief (1-2 sentence) personal
    reflection is provided on why you chose this topic and how
    Submit each assignment in the Assignment #1 and #2 submission boxes (via Turnitin).
    you might apply it to your life (i.e., how the information
    relates to your background, history experience, and future
  • Relates to theory and concepts from the readings, lecture
    or class discussion and course objectives;
  • Research questions are formed through the literature
    review and clearly stated
  • Information is relevant to the research topic and questions
    and gathered from multiple, research-based sources
    The Mini Assignment includes 3 references (1 textbook, 2 journal
    In-text citations are APA /.5
    Title page, Font, etc. /.5
    References are APA /.5
    The Mini Assignment demonstrates the quality of writing (there is a
    clear introduction, body, and conclusion)
    The copy rate is below 10, and appropriate formatting, and ease of