• What should elected officials (in a given country or internationally) be doing to address this problem/issue?

Based on the topic you chose for your proposal, write an opinion piece (op-ed) about what should be done regarding issues related to your topic. E.g. if you chose climate change, you could write about what should the Canadian government be doing to stop climate change OR what should Canadians as a society be doing in their own lives.

The opinion piece must address one of the following questions (you can include elements of both but FOCUS clearly on just one question, to make it as specific as possible):

  1. What should society be doing to address this problem/issue?


  • What should elected officials (in a given country or internationally) be doing to address this problem/issue?
  • Your opinion piece should be 500-750 words
  • It needs to include APA style in-text citations for any arguments, facts or quotes you take from the sources you consult, and an APA Bibliography at the end. 
  • It should start with a one-paragraph introduction that clearly states your opinion and explains why you personally care.
  • The rest of the op-ed should consist of 2-4 more paragraphs, providing supporting arguments, using information from your sources. Be sure to include in-text citations for all information you take from outside sources.
  • You need to cite at least 3 sources. Two of them can be sources you included in your proposal.
  • Please include a title page, and format your submission to be double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, with one inch margins all around.
  • Submit your final draft to self-check folder to ensure your Similarity Score is Green (30% or less).

Rubric (20 points total)

Briefly introduce your topic, clearly state your opinion on what should be done, and why you care3 points
Elaborate a clear, organized argument supporting your opinion6 points
Connect evidence from your sources to convincingly support your opinion6 points
Clear writing style, proper spelling and grammar2 points
Proper in-text citations and bibliography2 points
Formatting1 point