For this midterm, you will learn how to design an infographic using Canva, a free easy to use design tool.

You are writing a magazine feature on the village community of Fort Langley and believe that an infographic would be best to highlight key information in their community profile (in course shell).

The goal of your feature (which will include the infographic) is to attract residents, investors, and/or businesses (i.e., target audience) to Fort Langley. Therefore, your infographic must be visually persuasive.

 This is a deliverable you can include as part of your portfolio, and so feel free to be creative!

Recommended Process:

1.     Sign up to Canva (it’s free for individuals), and look at their infographics templates

2.     Determine your target audience: Will you focus on attracting residents and/or investors and/or businesses to Fort Langley? (Best to pick one)

3.     Review Fort Langley’s community profile in the course shell (you will need to read this more than once), and highlight key information which you think will be relevant to your audience

4.     Review Fort Langley statistics (page 2) of the community profile) to determine which data may be relevant and in what shape/form you will need it.

5.     Start including key information in your infographic template

6.     Finish and then review the infographic with a fresh pair of eyes. Is the information accurate? Did you miss anything? Is your infographic visually persuasive?

7.     Save it as a PDF and submit along with the answers to the questions (see “Deliverables”)


·        The infographic must contain both statistical and non statistical graphics  

o   For statistical graphics, you are welcome to manipulate some of the Fort Langley statistics if you feel it will add value. If you do, include your calculations in a separate excel sheet.

·        Everything you need should be in the community profile; however, you are welcome to go beyond for photos, images, and additional stats. If you do, please be sure to include the sources at the bottom of the infographic.


·        First identify your key messages, or the knowledge you want to convey, before collecting support data.

·        There is a lot of information in the community profile. You need to prioritize it based on what may be more relevant to your target audience. You only need to include what you feel is more important and relevant.

·        Some of the data can be represented visually while others may need to be written out into a brief

·        Remember to use visual cues and Aristotle’s pillars of persuasion (not all may apply)

·        Ensure that the photos and images you use are royalty free. Use sites such as and cite any social images (e.g., from Instagram using #FortLangley)

·        Cite any additional stats / data directly in the infographic in small font / lighter color

·        See this article for more best practices


·        The infographic as a PDF attachment (worth 15%) and name it “FirstName_LastName_COMM207_SectionNumber_Midterm.PDF”

·        In the answer box OR Word document: Answer these reflection questions (5%) as briefly and specifically as possible (in 500 words or less) ***please do not attach; answer in the answer box directly***

1.     Who is your target audience?

2.     Are you using any visual cues to make your infographic more memorable? Explain.

3.     Are you using Aristotle’s three principles to make your infographic more visually appealing? Explain.

4.     In class, we spoke about the concept of “data is meaningless without context”.Does this apply to your infographic?

5.     Is this your first time using Canva? How was your experience?