SSWK 2000 – Diversity and Multiculturalism
Test #1 – 20% of final mark

  • Respond to each question in a video and upload the video to Blackboard.
  • You can read the questions from a sheet of paper but you cannot read your answers
    from a screen or from a paper. The expectation is that you can talk about the content.
    You can be casual with your answers. For example, talk as though you are explaining the
    content to a friend. However, using a lot of ‘umm’ and ‘like’ will end up taking up time
    that will limit your ability to pack as much as possible into the clip.
  • If it is easier, you can answer each question in an individual clip, but if you take that
    route, you cannot have multiple links. Instead, individual videos should be directly
    imbedded into Blackboard.
  • If you upload on Google or another platform, please make sure that I do not need special
    permission to access to the video.
  • You overall video should not be longer than 6-7 minutes and therefore, you should
    practice before you record.
  • You might have to record more than once. Think of it as editing a paper.
  • The strongest answers will be those that directly reference course content. Ie.
    Reference readings, class discussion, class activities, etc.
  • Please do not use the same information to respond to multiple questions.
    Please respond to the following questions:
  1. One of the arguments for the defund the police movement is that most often, the police
    (as an institution) and punishment are reactionary. Based on course content, please
    explain what is meant by this argument and why it is relevant to social service work.
  2. In class we talked about the limits of the law. What was meant by this and why is it
    relevant to SSW?
  3. Provide a brief summary of why Jason Laurendeau does not stand for Oh Canada and
    draw links to settler colonialism.
  4. Choose one of the issues that we discussed during the week on racism and white
    supremacy. Draw links between the chosen issue and white supremacy.
  5. In Week 2, you completed an activity in class to explore your own social location. What
    were your reflections on the activity and how relevant to SSW?