Discuss the work and ideas of a nonwestern philosopher. Contrast their ideas with those of a major male European philosopher we have covered (Plato, Aristo- tle, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Smith, Sartre).

Team Project Instructions

PHIL 102

You can choose to either write a 1200 word paper + 10 slide presentation or create a 10 minute (maximum!) video that uses creativity and ingenuity to enact, dramatize, illus- trate, or gamify the subject.

You can either propose a topic or choose one of these:

1. Discuss the work and ideas of a nonwestern philosopher. Contrast their ideas with those of a major male European philosopher we have covered (Plato, Aristo- tle, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Smith, Sartre).

2. Discuss the work of a 21st Century female/feminist philosopher (such a Haraway, Braidotti, Stengers, Spivak). If you like, contrast their ideas with those of some of the major male European philosophers we have covered (Plato, Hobbes, Aristo- tle, Kant, Mill, Smith). How does their work decolonize philosophy?

3. Discuss at least three modern philosophical dilemmas (such as a moral problem brought into focus by the pandemic or climate emergency). Apply at least two moral frameworks (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, feminist ethics, eco- logical ethics, Indigenous ethics) to one of the dilemmas, and evaluate which framework provides the most ethical solution.

4. Discuss at least three philosophical questions-such as scientific ethics, posthuman ethics/human rights, care ethics, feminist ethics, ecological ethics, Indigenous ethics-explored in an episode of a tv show (such as 3%, The Wire, Black Mirror, The Good Place, UnReal, Phineas and Ferb, and so on). Analyze how the episode of the show positions the viewer (emotionally and intellectually) in relation to the ethical problem. You may also analyze what the show got right/ wrong.