SSWK 1013 – Advocacy Backgrounder/Letter Writing – Assignment # 2
Value: 20%
The objectives of this assignment are for students to work to identify and investigate a social issue specific to their community and to advocate for change with their local governments.
For this assignment, students will choose a social issue/problem and gather the relevant background information about that issue/concern. Then, based on the background information, each student will write a letter to their local government to advocate for their social issue.
PART A: Social Issue – Background Information (10%) – due END of class Week 14.
Students will:
- Identify a social issue relevant to their community. Each student will need email me by WEEK 10 before starting the assignment, to receive instructor approval for the topic.
TIP: Contact Mayor or Council or the town hall/city hall/municipal government/band council of whatever community you are residing in. Do some research to find out who or what can give you the scoop. Checking out your city/town website and the local news outlets will also be a source of information to get a wealth of background information on various social issues/problems in your community.
- Write a 4-page paper (APA style & referencing) that describes this issue using the following criteria:
- Clear identification of social issue/problem in their community.
- Identify and explain why this is of interest to you and worth of additional political attention.
- Identify and explain the scope and magnitude of the issue/problem in their community.
- Identify and explain what causes this issue/problem to exist.
- Identify and explain what past efforts have been made by government to address this issue, and what is currently being done.
**You MUST use evidence to support your statements.
PART B: Advocacy Letter (10%) – due END of class Week 14.
Using the examples provided below as a guide, students will write a letter to your local government official(s) (i.e. Mayor & relevant councilor/band council, to express your concern and the need for increased political attention.
[Please note: you will NOT be sending these letters to your local government].
For this assignment, you should identify:
- To whom the letter is addressed.
- Why you think this is a problem that needs to be addressed (use the evidence you used in Part A to support this).
- What you think needs to be done and why.
Here are some examples:
YWCA – Letter to Trudeau – Calling for a Gendered Response to COVID-19.pdf – Google Drive
Grading Rubric details (for Part A & B) to be provided. Please ensure that you read these rubrics to ensure you have met all the assignment criteria.