For this assignment, you will be writing a critical article review on one of the three provided journal articles on ancient Mesopotamia and India

For this assignment, you will be writing a critical article review on one of the three provided journal articles on ancient Mesopotamia and India. The review will be between 750-1000 words in length. Footnotes and bibliography do not count towards the word limit.
This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade and it is due July 21, 2023 at 11:59pm. Follow the steps and instructions below. This will help you write a strong critical article/chapter review.
Hint: You should skim read all three articles for this assignment before you choose one. It is easier to write a very good review if you enjoy the subject matter. The other articles may be used as a resource (source) to strengthen your critical review. You can also use any other assigned course material, including the textbook, primary sources and lectures, to support and strengthen your critical review.
No outside research is allowed. If you use outside of the course sources, you will earn a failing grade. I have provided all the material needed to do well in this assignment. Also, using artificial intelligence programs, such as Quillbot and ChatGPT, is not allowed. If you use Al programs, it is considered a violation of the academic integrity policy and a grade of zero will be assigned. And, you will not be able to re-submit this assignment as your oops token. Violations of the academic integrity policy are serious and will be treated as such.
What is a critical review of a journal article?
A critical article review evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of an article’s ideas and content. It also provides a description, analysis, and interpretation of the article under review. Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting, including Chicago style footnotes-bibliography, is expected.
Step One Before you read the article, think about:

  • What does the title of the article lead you to expect about the article?
  • Review any sub-headings to understand how the author organized the article’s content.
    . Read the abstract for a summary of the author’s arguments.
    Study the references and bibliography to see what research contributed to the author’s arguments. Are the references recent? Does the author use both primary and secondary sources to formulate their argument?
    Make a few quick notes of what you found so that you do not forget the answers to the above questions.