For this assignment, you will work with a partner to research a new home purchase for a fictitious

couple, Anita and Casper.  You will find them a home, assess their need for CMHC insurance, research a

mortgage, and determine if you think they can afford the home you chose.  



Maximum points- 15 (15 %)

BUS212 – Operations Management

Sr. No.Group Member NameStudent IDEmail address

Assignment 1

Maximum points- 15


EmporiumYour Assignment:

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to research a new home purchase for a fictitious

couple, Anita and Casper.  You will find them a home, assess their need for CMHC insurance, research a

mortgage, and determine if you think they can afford the home you chose.  

Together you will complete a written report in WORD outlining your research, calculations, and

recommendations.  Note: 

• Copying and pasting calculations from websites is not acceptable.  Show your calculations and

Include a screenshot of the house you chose

• work.

• Be sure to include references to any websites you used for your rese

Your Assignment:

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to research a new home purchase for a fictitious

couple, Anita and Casper.  You will find them a home, assess their need for CMHC insurance, research a

mortgage, and determine if you think they can afford the home you chose.  

Together you will complete a written report in WORD outlining your research, calculations, and

recommendations.  Note: 

• Copying and pasting calculations from websites is not acceptable.  Show your calculations and

Include a screenshot of the house you chose

• work.

• Be sure to include references to any websites you used for your rese

Your Assignment:

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to research a new home purchase for a fictitious

couple, Anita and Casper.  You will find them a home, assess their need for CMHC insurance, research a

mortgage, and determine if you think they can afford the home you chose.  

Together you will complete a written report in WORD outlining your research, calculations, and

recommendations.  Note: 

• Copying and pasting calculations from websites is not acceptable.  Show your calculations and

Include a screenshot of the house you chose

• work.

• Be sure to include references to any websites you used for your rese

Emporium Automotive Company is reviewing its operation’s management strategies to improve its overall process performance.

Your company is providing consultation, support and implementation services to Emporium Automotive Company throughout this process. The key areas of consideration are given below:

Area-1: (5 points)

  1. Redefine Emporium Automotive Company’s product design Process.
  • How Emporium Automotive Company is going to use following strategies as a part of getting the Ideas from its customers, competitors, and suppliers
  1. Benchmarking
  2. Reverse Engineering
  3. Early Supplier Involvement (ESL)
  • Provide a detailed break-even analysis with a graphical representation for Emporium Automotive Company.

Area-2: (10 points)

  1. What is the product life cycle for Emporium Automotive Company?
  • What designing approach is going to be a best fit for Emporium Automotive Company? And why.
  • What process type will reflect the mission and vision of Emporium Automotive Company.
  1. intermittent operations (irregular)
  2. repetitive operations.
  • Create a flow chart for Emporium Automotive Company’s assembling process (for outer parts) and describe which one is going to be the most suited one.
  • Emporium Automotive Company is analyzing its operation in an effort to improve performance. The following data have been collected:

It takes an average of 4 hours to process and close a unit, with value-added time estimated at 30 minutes per unit; Each unit officer is on payroll for 8 hours per day, though working 5 hours per day on average, ac- counting for lunches and breaks. Industry standard for labor utilization is 85 percent;
The company closes on 7 units per day, with an industry standard of 10 units per day for a comparable facility.

Determine process velocity, labor utilization, and efficiency for the company.

Can you draw any conclusions?

Assessment 1- Criteria

Maximum points- 15 points (15%)

Level-1: (1-5) Marks:

  1. Introduction, basic understanding of the question, document structure and follow assignment guidelines.
  2. Have the standard assignment cover sheet.
  3. Include a title page stating the module name, title of assignment, name of the student and ID NO and word count. Word limit up to.

Level-2: (6-10) Marks:

  1. Introduction, demonstration of critical understanding, relevant to the question, reference.
  2. Demonstrate a familiarity with Operations Management concepts/ terminology.

Level-3: (11-15) Marks:

  1. Introduction, demonstration of critical understanding, relevant to the question, reference and follow assignment guidelines.
  2. Document structure, coherence and presentation, justification and use reference relevant textbook, newspaper and other sources.

Guidelines for an Assignment- Report Preparation

  1. Handwriting is not acceptable
  2. Format should be word / Microsoft word as per format is given. PDF, JPG, WordPad, notepad will not be acceptable.
  3. Assignment answer based on your own thinking, logic, reason, practical experience as well as online research. You may include examples. Do not write anything vague, which is not relevant to your topic.
  4. Copy and paste from other students will not be accepted, you may get ‘0’ in that case. Preparing Instruction:

     Check the deadline

     Plan your time

*     Plan your assignment structure

     Ask for help (if you need it)

     Structure your argument

     Make sure you’ve answered the question

     Check and double-check your spelling

     Do not copy and paste from online or from others use your own words but you can use reference

     Make sure your assignment topic support your answer


     Your own justifications what do you understand from assignment topics.

     Cite your references

     Report format

  • Use assessment top sheet as cover page
    • Table of Contents – index page.
    • Introduction – origin, essentials of the main subject.
    • Body – main report.
    • Conclusion – inferences, measures taken, projections.
    • Reference – sources of information.
  • Font size should be 12 or 14
  • Uppercase is not acceptable just follow your basic rules
  • You can use color but not necessary
  • You can use different chart, table any structure depending how you approach and how is logical related to your assignment
  • Assignment should not be more than 1200-1500 words ((References excluded)

Each group needs to submit only one copy.