In each case suggest and discuss appropriate economic policies to deal with these consequences, indicatinghow effective the policies are likely to be and how quickly they are likely to work.

Two quizzes worth 20% of the course mark each.
Each quiz will last one hour on the assigned dates.
Term Paper
Students are asked to write a paper, consisting of between 1200 and 1500 typewritten words, with lines
double spaced. The paper should contain the following:
-Title page. This should show the paper’s title, your name and student number, and my name.

  • It is essential to reference all direct quotations and even when paraphrasing you should acknowledge your
    sources. APA format is preferred for references.
    -Bibliography. You should include at least three sources which are books or articles from scholarly
    journals. Websites (other than online scholarly journals) and newspaper articles may be used to supplement these
    three major sources but should not be relied upon exclusively. You should never cite Wikipedia or my lectures as a
    source, though you may make use of them to find published sources.
    The following factors will be taken into account in grading the assignment:
  1. Presentation – style, grammar.
  2. Quality of research.
  3. Logical development of the material.
  4. Quality of analysis.
    TOPICS: Write a paper on one of the following topics:
    Describe the likely short-run and long-run economic consequences of EITHER
    (a) The COVId-19 pandemic and the associated lockdowns
    (b) Climate change.
    In each case suggest and discuss appropriate economic policies to deal with these consequences, indicating
    how effective the policies are likely to be and how quickly they are likely to work.
    DUE DATE: Friday, November 3.
    To be submitted online. Late submissions will be accepted during the week following November 3 but a 10 mark
    penalty will be imposed on all submissions received after November 3. It is strongly recommended that students
    begin working on their term papers as soon as possible to ensure that they meet the deadline. No essay will be
    accepted after Friday, November 10.
    How to submit your assignment online: Click Assessment>Assignments in the D2L menu, then click on the name
    of the assignment. You will see the option to Submit Files. Click Add a File and either browse your computer for the
    assignment you wish to submit or drag and drop into the upload field, then click Submit. If you were successful, you
    will see a confirmation message telling you that your assignment was submitted. Then click on the ‘Done’ button to
    close the assignment submission process.
    Plagiarism Detection
    Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention and detection service to which Ryerson subscribes. It is a tool to assist
    instructors in determining the similarity between students’ work and the work of other students who have submitted
    papers to the site (at any university), internet sources, and a wide range of books, journals and other publications.
    While it does not contain all possible sources, it gives instructors some assurance that students’ work is their own.