Sources: please choose at least 3 external sources for this assignment. You may write direct quotes, paraphrase, and summarize when using your sources, but all information taken from other sources must be cited using APA format.
A research report MUST include APA in-text citations (author’s last name, year, page #) if you cite directly and (author’s last name, year) if you paraphrase throughout the report. PLEASE INCLUDE 3 DIRECT CITATIONS IN YOUR PAPER. No more than one direct citation per end reference.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Narrow your topic from the provided list of potential themes. This is important. Think about something specific you’ve learned about in another course and want to explore further.
Step 2: Research your topic using the source evaluation techniques discussed in the course (CRAAP). Researching can also help narrow your topic. Your research must include at least three articles from credible sources including the library databases. Please use our Mohawk library.
• Demonstrate how your quote supports your argument (how it is relevant).
• Only quote when necessary; paraphrase and summarize often.
Step 3: Draft your thesis statement. The thesis statement is NOT the theme; instead, it should argue something about a theme that may be either prescriptive or reflective or both. For example, a thesis statement that builds on the theme ‘social media and business’, might read: “There are many types of social media, but Linkedin is most useful to the business student because it allows you to network, share articles of interest and search for employment.” (Note: the report is focused on a specific social media platform, NOT ‘social media is great’).
Step 4: Outline your research report. You can use headings to organize the report, but you must use clear paragraph structure under each heading – you can use more than one paragraph under each heading. Headings are incomplete sentences that repeat the main point in the topic sentence of the paragraph. You are not required to use headings but students often find they help organize reports.
Craft the topic sentences for your body paragraphs and make sure all of them build on your thesis statement but don’t repeat it. Ensure the topic sentences are ordered in a logical sequence to build toward your conclusion. Collect and organize the specific evidence you will use to support each topic sentence from your research. Add the reasoning and analysis – the connective tissue – that ties each piece of evidence back to the topic sentence. Save some last piece of evidence – a startling statistic, quote, or anecdote – for your conclusion.
Step 5: Draft your essay. Review the notes on memorable opening and concluding paragraphs. Keep track of your use of research for citation purposes.
Step 6: Revise and edit your report for grammatical, spelling, and mechanical errors. Does each of your paragraphs have unity, coherence, adequate development and a defined topic sentence? Is your language vivid, active, and appropriate to the topic?
Step 7: Include an APA style references sheet.
NOTE: A research report MUST include APA in-text citations (author’s last name, year, page #) throughout the report. If there are NO in-text citations indicating when information was taken from another source, the report is considered plagiarized and will receive 0. Please choose one of the seven (7) topic suggestions below