ou and your team member will evaluate and compare these resorts’strategies related to market dynamics, loca)on, customer sa)sfac)on, pricing, andproduct/service offerings.

The Global Tourism Industry
Final Group Project
Strategic Analysis and Improvement Recommenda6ons for World-Class Resorts
Objec6ve: The objec)ve of this final project is to provide you an opportunity to conduct an indepth strategic analysis one of the world’s top resorts opera)ng in diverse markets and loca)ons
(2 different loca)on). You and your team member will evaluate and compare these resorts’
strategies related to market dynamics, loca)on, customer sa)sfac)on, pricing, and
product/service offerings.
Furthermore, the project aims to iden)fy and present two prac)cal recommenda)ons for
improving two resort’s iden)fied weaknesses, enhancing your ability to assess and suggest
improvements for the hospitality industry.
Each group should select one of the world’s top resorts, research and analyze different geographic
loca)on, conduct a comprehensive analysis following the structure below, and present their
findings in a 6-page APA-style report and a 15–20-minute oral presenta)on (all students must
par)cipate, this is a group presenta)on). The focus of this project is on understanding, cri)quing,
and improving the strategies of leading resorts in different markets and loca)ons, enhancing
students’ abili)es in strategic analysis and recommenda)ons for the hospitality industry.
Project Structure:
I. Introduc)on / Background and significance of the study / Research ques)ons and
objec)ves / Scope and limita)ons of the study
II. Literature Review: Overview of the global resort industry / Key success factors in the
hospitality industry / Strategies for customer sa)sfac)on, pricing, and product
III. Analysis second loca)on resort / Market analysis and loca)on-based strategy /
Customer sa)sfac)on strategies / Pricing strategies / Product strengths and
IV. Compara)ve Analysis / Strengths and weaknesses of the resorts in different markets
and loca)ons / Recommenda)ons for improvement
Final project report and oral presenta)on submission week 9.
Good luck!