Our identities consist of many complex areas including age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, education, employment, relationship status, etc. How we identify in each of these areas is

AOP Reflection Paper
15% of final grade – due end of Week 8
Our identities consist of many complex areas including age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, education, employment, relationship status, etc. How we identify in each of these areas is
called our social location. Our social locations place us in positions of privilege or disadvantage in society. If
we experience privilege, that means we are closer to power and disadvantage places us further from power. For
this reflection paper, you will be reflecting on your social location and how it may impact the work you do as an
Step 1: Begin by identifying yourself in the areas of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, education, employment, relationship status, etc. If there are other areas (not mentioned above)
that you would like to include in this reflection, include them. [**Please note: you do NOT have to identify
yourself in any of these areas if you are not comfortable with doing that.]
Step 2: Then explore each of these areas and discuss how each of them places you in a position of privilege or
oppression/marginalization in society.
Step 3: Choose 2 areas and explore how they intersect resulting in additional privilege, oppression or
marginalization, or a combination of the two.
Step 4: Finally, reflect on & discuss how your social location may impact your work as a social service worker,
including (but not limited to) the impact on your communication and your comfort level with discussing the
topic of social location, and the privileges and disadvantages associated with that.
Additional Requirements:

  • Incorporate concepts from class, readings and discussion – into your analysis of personal experience.
    (Cite any concepts from class, text, other sources, etc.)
  • Min 3 -4 pages (word count 900 – 1200 words) (Page limit/word count limit does NOT include the title
    page, appendix & reference page).
    o APA format
    Grading Rubric
    Excellent Good Needs
    Identification of areas of
    your identity (social
    Clear identification
    of social location in
    areas of diversity as
    indicated in outline.
    Identificaiton of
    social location in
    areas of diversity
    as indicated in
    identification of
    social location.
    Identification &
    discussion of areas of
    identity and relevance to
    position of power.
    Clear identification
    & in-depth
    discussion of areas
    of identity &
    relevance to
    position of power.
    Identification &
    detailed discussion
    of areas of identity
    & relevance to
    position of power.
    Identification of
    areas of identity but
    limited discussion of
    relevance to position
    of power.
    Identification of 2 areas
    & discuss the impact of
    their intersection.
    Clear identification
    & thorough
    examination of
    between 2
    dimensions of
    identification &
    examination of
    between 2
    dimensions of
    identification OR
    examination of
    intersection between
    2 dimensions of
    Discuss how your social
    location may impact your
    work as a SSW.
    discussion about
    how your social
    location may
    impact your work
    as SSW.
    Discussion about
    how your social
    location may
    impact your work
    as SSW.
    Basic discussion on
    how your social
    location may impact
    your work as SSW.
    APA format & page
    requirement/word limit
    Very few in APA
    Meets page
    A few errors in
    APA format.
    Meets page
    Many errors in APA
    Over or under page
    limits/word count.