Procter and Gamble (P&G) Ltd has won the government tender to develop and deliver a wearable health monitoring watch to the Medic Aid program. 

Procter and Gamble (P&G) Ltd has won the government tender to develop and deliver a wearable health monitoring watch to the Medic Aid program. 

As part of the acceptance criteria, the device must support specific functionality and features so that the information collected by the watch can be integrated into the medical record of the user. Some of the features are: measuring sugar, pressure, temperature, oxygen percentage, and breathing rate. Additionally, the watch should include a wireless connectivity feature to transfer the information, and should have a secure protocol.


You were hired by P&G Ltd as a project manager to lead such development and were asked by the top management to construct a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. 

Use the following information to complete the WBS:

All features must be included as deliverables, (14 points)

Each deliverable must have at least 2 realistic and reasonable sub-deliverables (level-2), (8 points)

Each sub-deliverable must include at least 2 realistic and reasonable sub-sub-deliverables (level-3), (8 points)

Each sub-sub-deliverable must include at least 1 realistic and reasonable work-package, (8 points)

The WBS must be presented in a hierarchy format, (5 points)

Create the WBS dictionary, (12 points)

Using the WBS, construct the network information chart (NIC) (as shown below) with estimated number of days to complete the project, (15 points)

General instructions:

As a group, elect one member to act as the project manager (PM) for this assignment. The PM should follow the rules of engagement provided by the instructor on how to work in a group.

The first steps you would do as the PM would be to break the project into manageable pieces, so that you can have your staff investigate what is required to complete the work. Refer to Creating the Work Breakdown Structure (see Chapter 5).

You must use the discussion forum online with group members to communicate on the project. (10 points)

Your submitted document must be free of grammar and spelling errors. (5 points)

The submission must include a title page, showing the group number, group members’ name list, and the tasks each member completed. (5 points)

You must add all references to your work at the end of the document. (5 points)

All submissions must be in word document format and follow the name formatting Group (number)_GA#1. (5 points)

Submit all your drawings, charts, and answers under Group Assignment #1 submission.

  If your assignment is late, you will be assessed a penalty of 20%. Any assignment over one day late will not be accepted.