Question #1:
Read the article’s first 5 pages (up to page 132) and the last 3 pages (151 to 153), ROBERT A.J. McDonald’s’ Holy Retreat’ or ‘Practical Breathing Spot’. Class Perceptions of Vancouver’s Stanley Park, 1910-1913, Uploaded in WEEK 6TH, and high light the following points:
a) Historians’ focus on Stanley Park
b) Mention various plans for Sanely Park expansion.
c) Mention the main focus of this article
Question #2:
We discussed in on-campus class the early settlement in Vancouver in week 7th. Todd McCallum wrote an interesting article The Great Depression’s First History? The Vancouver Archives of Major J.S. Matthews and the Writing of Hobo History Uploaded, in Week 7th, refers to some pioneer historical accounts of Vancouver during the great depression. Analyze the important points of this article highlighted about Vancouver’s history during the great depression.
Question # 3:
Highlights the Socio-cultural impact of the two world wars on the Eastern Provinces of Canada with special reference to the city of Verdun. Elaborate your description with maps and historical data.
Question # 4:
In this course, we studied the process of Canada’s urbanization from early settlers to the socio- economic and political causes up till Second World War. What are, in your opinion, the most important factors that accelerated the process of urbanization and transformed Canada into an affluent society?