The final exam is worth 35% of the course grade. Students are to use only course materials when writingthe exam, which includes lecture notes and the textbook for the course. Students are to write the examby themselves, without help or consultation with others.

The final exam is worth 35% of the course grade. Students are to use only course materials when writing
the exam, which includes lecture notes and the textbook for the course. Students are to write the exam
by themselves, without help or consultation with others.
For students wishing to email the completed exam to the instructor, the last day and time to submit is
November 29 at 11:59 p.m. Emailed exams must be formatted as a pdf and include a cover page which
includes the student’s full name, their student number, and the course and section number (Anth 121-
The last day and time a completed exam (either typed or handwritten) may be submitted in person is
December 04, during regularly scheduled class time (8:30 – 9:50 a.m.). Students should be certain to
include their full name, their student number, and Anth 121-02 on the exam.
Describe the characteristics of bands (defined in the text as “a small egalitarian society of food
foragers who live and travel together”). Things to consider include, but are not limited to,
(i) the patterns of marriage, family, residence, kinship, and descent in bands
(ii) Forms of social control used in bands
(iii) The kinds of leadership present in bands
(iv) The diversity of religious beliefs and practices occurring in bands
Students should focus on using chapters 07, 09, and 10 from the textbook and notes from lectures since
the midterm. Students are welcome to use earlier chapters and notes from earlier lectures but the main
focus should be on material covered since the midterm.
Students are advised that while some of the characteristics are obvious, others require some thinking,
and it is left to the student to make the links between bands and other aspects of culture. In other
words some of the characteristics of bands may not have been made explicit in the text or lectures but
by reviewing the chapters and lecture notes they should be able to make the links. For example, the text
and notes may not explicitly say what kind of religious beliefs and practices occur in bands, but students
should be able to figure it out by reviewing the chapters and lecture notes.
Students should answer in sentences and paragraphs (one paragraph on the characteristics relating to
marriage, family, residence, kinship, and descent in bands; one paragraph on social control in bands; one
paragraph on leadership in bands’ and one paragraph on religious beliefs and practices in bands).
Students achieving high marks will integrate material from the lectures and textbook. Students bringing
in information not covered in the text or lectures will be penalized. One of the objectives of the final
exam is to see how well students can integrate course materials in their responses.