The primary purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to explore the pro’s and con’sof different sources of energy and the implications of those choices for Canadian and global

The primary purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to explore the pro’s and con’s
of different sources of energy and the implications of those choices for Canadian and global
environments, economies and societies. Energy supply and demand are arguably the most
important environment and sustainability issues facing modern society, because of the centrality
of energy to our standard of living, and the major environmental and other effects of most current
(fossil fuel-based) energy sources.
Ontario’s Energy Policy
Browse through the following websites to familiarize yourself with the Ontario Ministry of Energy
and their plan to provide affordable and sustainable sources of electricity to Ontarians in the
future. Pay particular attention to the energy conservation initiatives that the Ontario Ministry of
Energy is encouraging:
Written Analysis (Individual Assignment)
Choose any alternative form of energy that you would like to explore. Using the websites listed
above and any additional material that you find, provide a maximum 750 word (single or double
spaced) analysis in which you address the following:
1) Analyze the opportunities or limitations of that energy alternative with respect to:
○ Environmental benefit
○ Economic feasibility
○ Public acceptance
2) Develop a two or three-point action plan to encourage the use of this alternative energy
source/technology. In other words, identify and explain two or three strategies you could use to
overcome the barriers to alternative energy. Conclude your analysis by reflecting on whether or
not you feel the energy source you have analyzed is, overall, a feasible alternative to our current
reliance on fossil fuels.
Make sure to properly reference any materials used to answer these questions, using either APA
or MLA format. The length of this assignment should not exceed 750 words (excluding
references) and may be single or double spaced. Remember, your mark on this assignment is
based upon the depth of content you provide and your ability to concisely and clearly articulate
your ideas.