Use the Social Media Platform Analysis Template.docx as it will guide your work. Download the Word document, save a copy to your computer, and rename it so that it has your last name in the title (e.g., Social Media Platform Analysis Assignment – JACKSON). 

Social Media Platform Analysis Assignment


Use the Social Media Platform Analysis Template.docx as it will guide your work. Download the Word document, save a copy to your computer, and rename it so that it has your last name in the title (e.g., Social Media Platform Analysis Assignment – JACKSON). 

1) Choose a social media platform. It can be one you already use, or you may choose a new one to try. You need to have an account and profile on the site so you can analyze it fully. It is recommended that you choose a social media platform that is widely used and known such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc. (If in doubt, check the assignment template and make sure the platform you choose will allow you to complete the assignment as required.)

2) Analyze the platform, following the prompts in the template. To do this, you will have to:

  • Engage with the platform on a regular basis (minimum 3 times per week) by posting, sharing, and contributing content relevant to the site.
  • Monitor the posts of others. Consider who posts, how often, the types of content shared, subject matter, tone (e.g., upbeat and positive vs. outrage or negative) and how you feel before, during and after using the platform.
  • Find and read materials on the platform about its own policies related to privacy, data use, terms of service, economics, and governance. 
  • Look for current and recent news stories on the internet regarding this platform. See if you can find anything regarding the topics covered in this assignment.  

3) Fill in the template by writing thoughtful and substantive answers. This means sharing not only your own thoughts and opinions on your experience, but providing facts, real examples, and proof. Be specific. 

As a major assignment in this course, you are expected to use a variety of sources found on the social media platform, as well as course materials, and other resources found from your own independent research and study. You must properly cite and reference all sources in APA! Assignments without citations and references automatically receive a mark of 0.

4) Submit your completed assignment into the dropbox

If you have questions post them in the Questions or Comments? discussion forum. 

Flexible Due Date Option

To properly engage with the platform, analyze, and complete the template, some students may need extra time. All students who would like to submit this assignment late can do so automatically without reason and without notifying the instructor to ask for an extension.

1) Submissions will be accepted up to the end of Week 10 without late penalty.

2) Late submissions will be accepted during Week 11 with an automatic late penalty of 25% applied.

Anyone not submitting this assessment by the end of Week 11 will receive 0.