Using The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership” -1) Model the way, 2) Inspire a Shared Vision, 3) Challenge the Process, 4) Enable others to Act & Encourage the Heart and the 10 Commitments that go along with them as the structure of the paper.

Using The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership” -1) Model the way, 2) Inspire a Shared Vision, 3) Challenge the Process, 4) Enable others to Act & Encourage the Heart and the 10 Commitments that go along with them as the structure of the paper.

 You will explain how as the leader will get your team to achieve the goals of the organization you are leading. You will explain in the paper the leadership style that you feel best aligns with you as an individual and will govern how you lead. You do not need to create an organization. You are projecting yourself into a leadership role and projecting on how you will function in that role using Kouzes and Posner’s leadership model.

You can use the 5 Practices as headings, for example under Model the Way you can discuss, what values you will bring to your leadership and how they will align those will with your company goals, your vision and your interactions with people you lead. You can discuss how your leadership style impacts how you model those values, will motivate your followers in accordance with those values and how those values will determine the culture of your organization.

This paper will be a hypothetical exercise and will be based on Kouzes & Posner’s 5
Practices of Exemplary Leadership and will include.

  • The leadership theory and style you will use to lead and why (insights from
    your self-assessments)
  • Group dynamics-discussion on aligning followers
  • Motivational theory
  • Shaping Organizational culture
    Using the knowledge gained from the course power points, textbook readings,
    assignments and videos regarding the various Leadership theories and styles; your
    assignment is to write a paper in which you explain how you will as a leader inspire
    followers to achieve the goals for the organization you are leading. Use the above
    Model as the format for the paper.
    Each of the 5 Practices will be a header for the section.
    ➢ The assignment must be typed and submitted in APA essay format, with a Title
    Page and Bibliography (check Cites and Sources on the Georgian College Library
    web site (
    ➢ Charts are acceptable within the paper.
    ➢ Please ensure your paper has an introductory paragraph and a concluding
    statement in addition to the body of the paper.
    ➢ This paper must be double spaced, times new roman font, size 12 & a MS Word
    ➢ This assignment is to be submitted through the Blackboard dropbox.
    Late assignments will NOT be accepted (unless prior arrangements have been made
    with the instructor) and a grade of zero (0) will be assigned.
    Please refer to the rubric for grading detail.