Very brief summary/interpretation of the problem presented by Mohsen al Attar. Your general question is “What are the primarily challenges to decolonizing (the study of) international law?

Brief Policy Assessment (15%)

Brief policy assessment to be posted on the forum without uploading a file, just paste it in (800-900 words):

Section 1: Very brief summary/interpretation of the problem presented by Mohsen al Attar. Your general question is “What are the primarily challenges to decolonizing (the study of) international law?” In a sentence or two, re-interpret this question into clear brief policy problem that your assessment will address. (for example, you might focus on power relations, or the study of nature of international law or something else…) 


/5 Clear brief (1-2 sentence) formulation of the problem 

Section 2: Explain how just the problem raises or (re)frames 2-4 issues, debates, and cases covered in the first part of the course (Extensively using material from three weeks out of four: 1, 2, 3, and 4). Just explain the issues as they relate to the problem (how the problem raises issues. For example, how the problem of high gas prices raises environmental issues, issues of cooperation, and business sustainability), but don’t take a position on them yet, that you will do in the third section. (about 400 words) 


/30 Shows excellent understanding of the issues discussed in that unit, issues are laid out to help better understand the stakes/gravitas of the problem, based not just on what al Attar and the texts for that week say (summaries are several levels lower than analysis), but broader issues discussed in texts, lectures, and presentations from the first part of the course

Section 3: Give a clear answer to the problem (this will be your policy for a new approach to the (study of) international law), defend your position using primarily primarily primarily textual evidence from the course, lecture, student presentations, and explain how your answer addresses the issues you raised in Section 2. (about 400 words)


/5 The position is clearly stated and clearly responds to the problem you formulated in section 1. 

/30 Assessment shows excellent understanding of the issues discussed in that unit, and as they are discussed in section 2, based not just on what the week’s group presented, but broader issues discussed in the unit in texts and classes. The defense addresses all the issues raised in Section 2, without adding any new ones or omitting any of the ones discussed in Section 2. 

Applicable to the entire paper: 

/20 Clarity of writing: 

Writing is clear and concise

Ideas are well-developed and coherent (logical flow of ideas supported by other coherent statements in your own words). 

Relevant concepts and cases and terms from that unit are all used consistently and accurately throughout the paper. 

Free of spelling, grammar errors, coherent sentences are constructed, using the active voice when possible. Research is paraphrased when possible and unnecessary quotes show an inability to explain material in one’s own words. 

/10 Citations:

In-text citations and reference list are complete. 

Research/ideas are cited (with specific references to page numbers, slides, or minutes of lecture) where it is necessary to cite them. 

Citations are not padded, relevant, and there is no doubt that those sources were being used. 

Post your policy assessment on the forum by October 6th. It is worth 10% of your final mark. 

The other 5% are assigned for TWO quality paragraph long responses to the posts of other students –including a text/course material based question for each post you are responding to. Your contributions (responses to other students with a question included) are due on October 8th. These responses should also show how well you understand course material and engage with the student posts, so use evidence from the course (rather than personal experience) and use the concepts properly in writing your responses. Make sure not just agree and comment on the quality of someone’s writing, as such responses will not earn marks. 

/50 points (5%)