What are some of the ways that you communicate in your day-to-day lives? What are your communication preferences (e-mail, text, phone, social media etc.)? Why?
Writing Instructions for Engagement Journal Entries
Create a separate paragraph for each question(s). No bullet points. Use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
195 (minimum) to 205 (maximum) words. No fewer or more.
Your answers must be original, meaningful and thoughtful responses to the question(s).
Be sure you always back up your opinions with why you think this way. You may cite and reference others who support your position. References in APA 7 style do not count towards your word limit.
Do not use the phrase “According to me…”. Ever.
Failure to meet any of the above requirements will lose you marks.
Activity is worth 3 points:
Respect for word limits = 1
Clear writing, proper use of grammar, punctuation, spelling and paragraphs = 1
Original thought and, where necessary, attribution of ideas and words with respect for academic integrity (citing and referencing the ideas of others) = 1