You are a data analyst for a botanical research company that wants to classify the differentspecies of iris flowers based on their physical characteris@cs.

You are a data analyst for a botanical research company that wants to classify the different
species of iris flowers based on their physical characteris@cs. Your task is to perform an analysis
of the Iris Flower dataset and answer the following ques@ons:

  1. How many instances and a-ributes are in the dataset?
  2. What are the different species of iris flowers in the dataset, and how many instances are
    there for each species?
  3. What is the average sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width for each
    species of iris flower?
  4. Create sca-er plots of sepal length vs sepal width and petal length vs petal width, and
    color the points based on the species of iris flower. What insights can you gain from
    these visualiza@ons?
  5. Create a decision tree classifier to predict the species of iris flower based on the physical
    characteris@cs. Evaluate the accuracy of the classifier using cross-valida@on.
    Your deliverables for this assignment should include:
    A report summarizing your findings and answering the ques@ons listed above. Your report
    should include visualiza@ons of the data to support your conclusions.
    A Jupyter notebook or Python script that contains the code used to perform the analysis and
    generate the visualiza@ons