You have had the opportunity to practice physical tests and have come to understandphysical requirements in the fields of law and justice. In the Physical Fitness Unit, you have learned

Wellness Assignment #3
DUE DATE: Friday, November 17 by 5:00pm. Late assignments will not be accepted and will be marked
as a zero unless there is extenuating circumstances with documentation.
Submission Weight: 6% of final grade.
Submission Requirements: Parts 1, 2, and 3 must be submitted using the Wellness Assignment #3
submission link found “Wellness Assignments” tab of the JUS 101 class Blackboard site. Students must
submit three sections (one 7-Day Exercise Log; one Reflection; one S.M.A.R.T. Goal review and revision)
in one submission. Students must submit the assignment in Microsoft Word or PDF formats. Emailed
assignments and assignments saved in alternate formats will not be accepted and will be marked as a
Introduction: You have had the opportunity to practice physical tests and have come to understand
physical requirements in the fields of law and justice. In the Physical Fitness Unit, you have learned
about the benefits of physical fitness to your physical, psychological, and emotional health and exercise
recommendations. Now that you have settled into your college experience, created new routines, and
experienced some of the time management challenges that come with assignment submissions,
studying for tests… you will revisit your weekly physical fitness routine. You will then reflect upon your
weekly physical fitness routine, this time, including more detail and information learned in the JUS 101
Physical Fitness Unit. Finally, you will review your health/fitness goals and revise your goals using the
S.M.A.R.T. acronym of goal setting.
Part 1: 7-Day Exercise Log
You must complete a 7-Day Exercise Log. Within this log you must include each exercise you have
completed each day, for 7 consecutive days. Your log must include the following:

  • Date
  • Time of workout
  • Duration of workout
  • Location
  • Name or description of all exercises completed (resistance training, aerobic/cardiovascular
    training/leisure activities
  • Using the F.I.T.T. principal, include the details of each exercise completed.
    A revised 7-Day Exercise Log template is included within this outline to include additional information
    required for this submission
    Part 2: Reflection, Review, and Restate
    Once you complete the 7-Day Exercise Log, you must Reflect upon your exercise habits and Review and
    Restate your health/fitness goal. Part 2 has a required length of 250-500 words. Failure to include the
    minimum word requirement will result in a mark of zero. Reflections must be double-spaced, using
    Times New Roman, 12-point font.
    Reflection The following questions must be addressed in your reflection:
  • Have your exercise habits changed since the beginning of the semester? Explain.
    o Have you maintained your exercise schedule, exercise more frequently or less
    frequently? How and why?
    o Have you maintained, increased, or decreased the intensity of your workouts? How and
  • Does your weekly exercise routine meet the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology’s 24-Hour
    Movement Guideline recommendations for adults 18-64 years? Explain
  1. Moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activities such that there is an accumulation
    of at least 150 minutes per week? (Add-up the number of minutes of exercise
    performed throughout the week from the moderate to vigorous aerobic/
    cardiovascular training tables.)
  2. Muscle strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least twice a week?
    (Add up the number of days on which your performed resistance training.)
    Review and Revise
  • Revisit the Fitness Goal(s) stated in Wellness Assignment #1 (If you did not submit Wellness
    Assignment #1, or if your health/fitness goals have changed, create a new goal). Now that you
    have learned to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals, restate your goal ensuring that the goal is Specific,
    Measurable, Adjustable, Realistic, and Time defined. Use the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Review and
    Revise Template included to state your S.M.A.R.T. goal.
    Exercise Log
    7-Day Exercise Log Chart – * You may add cells if you perform more than 8 exercises
    Day 1
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details (sets, reps, load, intensity, ect)
    Day 2
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Day 3
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Day 4
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Day 5
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Day 6
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Day 7
    Date: Time of Workout:
    Duration of Workout: Location of Workout:
    Name or description of Exercise Details
    Domain Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
    Exercise Log
    (2 Marks)
    Exercise Log includes all
    outlined requirements
    including date of workout,
    time of workout, duration of
    workout, location of workout,
    name or description of all
    exercises completed,
    Frequency, Intensity, Time,
    and Type of all resistance,
    aerobic, and leisure activities
    Exercise log does not include,
    or an error is made with one or
    more of the outlined
    requirements including date of
    workout, time of workout,
    duration of workout, location
    of workout, name or
    description of all exercises
    completed, Frequency,
    Intensity, Time, and Type of all
    resistance, aerobic, and leisure
    activities completed (1 mark
    deducted for each error;
    maximum of 2-mark
    (2 Marks)
    Reflection includes statement
    and description of exercise
    habit maintenance or change
    since the submission of
    Wellness Assignment #1
    Reflection does not include
    statement and description of
    exercise habit maintenance or
    change since the submission of
    Wellness Assignment #1.
    Reflection includes comparison
    to Canadian Society for
    Exercise Physiology weekly
    Reflection does not include
    comparison to Canadian
    Society for Exercise Physiology
    weekly recommendations
    Review and Revise
    (2 Marks)
    Stated goal includes
    description that is Specific,
    Description of stated goal fails
    to include one or more of
    Specific, Measurable,
    Measurable, Adjustable,
    Realistic, and Time Defined
    Adjustable, Realistic, and Time
    Submission includes
    satisfactory description
    outlining how goal will be
    Submission fails to include, or
    includes unsatisfactory
    description outlining how goal
    will be accomplished