Your entire report, including text and exhibits, must be prepared individually, in your own words,without input or assistance from anyone else. This rule will be actively monitored and aggressively


  1. Your entire report, including text and exhibits, must be prepared individually, in your own words,
    without input or assistance from anyone else. This rule will be actively monitored and aggressively
    enforced. Serious and lasting penalties will be issued to any student who violates this rule.
  2. Maximum report length: 5 pages of text plus a maximum of 7 pages of exhibits. These page limits
    are NOT interchangeable. All pages of text should be 8.5” x 11”, formatted with one-inch margins
    on all sides, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font, in Microsoft Word. The report should
    be written in concise and complete sentences and include headings. Exhibits are expected to follow
    the same rules for formatting as the rest of the report however, Exhibits do not need to be doublespaced. Penalties may be applied for improper formatting at the discretion of the instructor. If
    written analysis is included in the exhibits, this analysis will either not be marked, or will be added
    to the page count of the report.
    a. Page Penalty: Ten (10) marks (out of 100) will be deducted from the final report grade
    for each page exceeding the stated page limit. If the report is not formatted according to
    the guidelines, instructors may choose to reformat the report and/or apply the appropriate
  3. All reports must be typewritten. The document must be submitted in .docx (Microsoft Word)
    format as one single document. Use the cut-and-paste function to merge content from Excel, if
    needed. DO NOT PASTE AS AN IMAGE anywhere in the report. When saving your document
    and submitting on OWL, ensure your submission follows the required naming convention: your
    last name and your first name, separated with an underscore, i.e. Bloomfield_Richard (a five (5)
    mark penalty will be deducted if this naming convention is not followed. There is no need to add
    any additional description of what is submitted, just your last and first name.
  4. A title page IS NOT required. The student’s name and student number must be clearly indicated
    within the report, (i.e. as a header)
  5. Plagiarism is submitting work that is in whole or in part someone else’s work, which you claim as
    your own. Students must write their report in their own words and create their own Exhibits.
    Plagiarism is a major academic offence (see Western Scholastic Offence Policy). Collusion is the
    collaboration with another or other individuals in the preparation of written work offered for credit.
    Collusion is regarded as plagiarism and is a major academic offence. The department takes this
    policy and its consequences very seriously. Students may not seek, accept and/or pay for any
    consultation or advice in the preparation of this report.
  6. This case contains the information required to complete the assignment; therefore, external research
    is not required. DO NOT CONTACT any person related to the case or involved with the
    organization for any reason. This will be considered an academic offence.